The fax configuration API allows you to administer:
- Mail to Fax
- Fax to Email
- Fax to FTP
- Fax to Webservice
The fax configuration API allows you to administer:
curl -i -X GET \
-u <username>:<password> \
[ { "name": "Retarus-USA-Sales", "dialing": { … }, "reportEmail": { … }, "coverSheet": { … }, "personalization": { … }, "general": { … }, "fax": { … } }, { "name": "Retarus-DE-Sales", "dialing": { … }, "reportEmail": { … }, "coverSheet": { … }, "personalization": { … }, "general": { … }, "fax": { … } } ]
curl -i -X GET \
-u <username>:<password> \
{ "name": "Retarus-USA-Sales", "dialing": { "countryCode": 1, "areaCode": 201 }, "reportEmail": { "language": "en" }, "coverSheet": { "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy", "timeFormat": "h:mm a" }, "personalization": { "company": "retarus (North America) Inc." }, "general": { "timezone": "US/Eastern" }, "fax": { "csid": "Retarus USA", "costCenter": "Retarus-USA-Sales", "paperSize": "letter" } }
curl -i -X PUT \
-u <username>:<password> \
'{profile}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"serviceType": "Fax2Mail"
{ "name": "string", "general": { "name": "string", "active": true, "timezone": "string" }, "fax": { "csid": "string", "costCenter": "string", "header": "string", "blacklist": true, "paperSize": "string", "resolution": "string", "preferredMimeType": "string", "attachmentsOnly": true, "suppressBlankPages": true }, "dialing": { "countryCode": "string", "areaCode": "string" }, "reportEmail": { "language": "string", "reportFormat": "string", "sender": "string", "recipients": "string", "recipientsIfError": "string", "recipientsCc": "string", "attachTiff": true, "attachTiffOnlyIfError": true, "attachPdf": true, "sortByStatus": "string", "reportRecipients": "string", "errorReportRecipients": "string", "copyStatusReports": "string" }, "coverSheet": { "fileName": "string", "dateFormat": "string", "timeFormat": "string" }, "personalization": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" } }
curl -i -X DELETE \
-u <username>:<password> \
curl -i -X PATCH \
-u <username>:<password> \
'{profile}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
"op": "add",
"path": "string",
"value": {},
"from": "string"
{ "name": "string", "general": { "name": "string", "active": true, "timezone": "string" }, "fax": { "csid": "string", "costCenter": "string", "header": "string", "blacklist": true, "paperSize": "string", "resolution": "string", "preferredMimeType": "string", "attachmentsOnly": true, "suppressBlankPages": true }, "dialing": { "countryCode": "string", "areaCode": "string" }, "reportEmail": { "language": "string", "reportFormat": "string", "sender": "string", "recipients": "string", "recipientsIfError": "string", "recipientsCc": "string", "attachTiff": true, "attachTiffOnlyIfError": true, "attachPdf": true, "sortByStatus": "string", "reportRecipients": "string", "errorReportRecipients": "string", "copyStatusReports": "string" }, "coverSheet": { "fileName": "string", "dateFormat": "string", "timeFormat": "string" }, "personalization": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" } }